Our Staff Team

Norm Jaehrling
Chief Executive Officer
e: ceo@whitelakelp.ca
t: (807) 822-2624
Norman Jaehrling is Chief Executive Officer of White Lake LP. He has held numerous leadership positions within the Pic Mobert/ Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg organization for almost 30 years including CEO of the First Nation Administration. He is responsible for strategic oversight and leadership of the organization and reports to the Board of Directors of White Lake Resources Corp., through the Chairperson.
Mr. Jaehrling is a life-long resident of Northern Ontario and has almost 35 years of experience in conceiving, evaluating, planning, financing and leading a wide cross-section of community and economic development and enterprise projects.

Lana Lawrence-Petten
Director of Operations
e: opsdirector@whitelakelp.ca
c: (705) 255-3293
Lana has been working with White Lake LP since 2017. Her experience working in management and health and safety in construction, mining and energy sectors has given her a remarkable and highly valuable skill-set for her role with us. Lana reports to the CEO, and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization including policy development and enforcement, job planning, procurement, human resources, health and safety, asset management, customer liaison and job monitoring, quality control and issues related to management.

Laury Turcotte
Administrative Assistant
e: admin@whitelakelp.ca
t: (807) 822-2624
Laury started as the Administrative Assistant with White Lake Limited Partnership in August of 2020 after moving here to White River in 2015. She comes to White Lake Limited Partnership with a management background in Native Housing for the past 13 years. Prior to this she was working in the employment sector as a Employment Counsellor with various Native community organizations.
Annette Currie
Mining Manager
e: mining@whitelakelp.ca
c: (705) 257-8650
Annette is a proud Neyaashiinigmiing band member (Cape Croker Unceded Reserve) Annette has been working with the Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation for over 5 years in various roles. Starting with White Lake in 2016 to commence the Community Energy plan and extending her role to the Ontario Works department as the Employment and Training councillor for 3 years. Annette has joined the White Lake team as the Manager of Mining Services and Liaison for the Barrick contract. Annette will take on an expanded role as Manager – Workforce Services, with a stronger emphasis on supporting and growing all of our labour supply agreements including development of career paths for our employees and diversification into technical, professional and managerial positions. Annette is committed to continuing to make a positive contribution to the Netmizaaggagmig Nishnaabeg nation and people.

Derek Sabourin
Health and Safety Manager
e: safety@whitelakelp.ca
t: (807) 228-3928
Derek Sabourin is the Health and Safety manager of White Lake LP. He has been in mining for 26 plus years; 19 years as an Operator and one in the open pit. Drilling was his main task while in the open pit and he prides himself on big meter numbers.
Derek spent the last 7 years working underground as a production miner and then construction miner as a grader operator. He has learned the safety culture of Barrick Gold and served as a crew safety rep and JHSC rep, Meter-man, Grader-man, Safety-man.
Derek is happy to be home working for his community.

Courtney Godin
White Lake LP / Barminco Underground Contract Supervisor
e: barminco@whitelakelp.ca
c: (807) 228-4770
Ms. Godin started out with the White Lake LP Contract as a haul truck driver underground for 6 months and since then has moved up to the Underground Contract Supervisor for the company. Courtney has been in this role now for 9 months and is dedicated to keeping our workers safe, providing them with support and helping them reach their goals. Courtney is responsible for the day to day operations of the growing contract for the WLLP/Barminco Underground. She is known in the community for working at Netamisakomik centre for education and has always been helping out in the community or at gatherings.
“I’ve really grown to love and respect the underground and am committed to getting our employees home safe after their shifts.”
Ms Godin enjoys the outdoors, hunting and fishing and being with family & friends.

Shawna Fedoruk
Project Manager, Highway Commercial Complex
e: projectmanager@whitelakelp.ca
t: 807-228-0837
Shawna is from the nearby community of Marathon and has spent much of her life in and around the area surrounding White Lake and Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg. She has a background in the mining industry, working in various capacities in geology and ore control related roles in mines from gold, to palladium, to coal.
Shawna received a Travel and Eco-Tourism diploma from Confederation College in 2016 and is working for White Lake Limited Partnership as the Project Manager for the new Highway Commercial Complex. Shawna previously worked for Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg as the Economic Development Officer, where she worked on various projects which included the Highway Commercial Complex feasibility and detailed design work in its earlier planning stages.
Shawna will initially work closely with the CEO to complete financing arrangements for the construction of the facility and start-up of the business, and once operational will transition into a position as general/business manager of the complex.

Teresa Black
Payroll/ Finance Clerk
e: finance@whitelakelp.ca